To all our college eaters, this is for you: granola bars and ramen may fill your stomach, but they're not going to fuel your brain through midterms this semester. When your heads are in the books and you don’t have time to think about your stomach, DIG is an easy, affordable option  that doubles as a bit of a study aid. 

Research shows that a healthy diet with the proper nutrients can help you stay focused by boosting cognitive function. Here are our top picks to add to your diet this Midterm Season:

  1. Avocados are packed with lutein, which accumulates in your brain to help you focus throughout the day.

  2. Leafy greens help retinal health which is directly correlated to brain function

  3. Bananas are shown to boost memory

  4. Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that breaks down slowly for a full day’s supply of steady energy

  5. Salmon is high in Omega-3, and in particular DHA, a building block of the brain that improves brain function

Many DIG plates provide benefits to boost your study habits and energy. Take our Spicy Lime Leaf Salmon bowl for example- Wild Alaskan salmon, charred broccoli with lemon, avocado, lime leaf Napa cabbage, and brown rice will keep you full and focused for that inevitable all-nighter.  For an extra push, you can always add avocado to any meal for some of that delicious, delicious brainpower.

While this might seem like another very wordy way of saying that fruits and vegetables are good for you, Our kitchen is stocked with the freshest produce we can find and prepared by people who care about what they cook. That’s not just comforting, that’s smart.

Speaking of smart, now’s a good time to remind you that all college students will receive 10% off for showing their student IDs. So come on in and crack open that Biochem reader. We’ll keep you company.

Click below to find a dig closest to your school.




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